As your cat grows and progresses through life, he or she will undergo physiological changes and face a variety of life events that will require care and attention. From routine kitten care to geriatric cat medicine, we provide consistent compassionate high-quality care that can make all the difference in the quality of life of your cat and ultimately, your relationship with him or her.
Cats are very good at hiding illness. In fact, many cats will simply become less active and less interactive, even when very ill. Therefore, any change in your cat's behavior or routine should warrant a consideration that they may be ill. For example, many clients will return from work to find that their cat simply does not greet them at the door as usual- this may be a subtle indication that your cat is ill and should be scheduled for a comprehensive exam.
At Rancho West Animal Hospital we offer the following cat health services for cats of all ages, breeds, and circumstances:
SCHEDULE APPOINTMENTOur wonderful Kitten Plans are a great way to start protecting your fur babies, while also saving some money.
Vaccines are typically given in a series of shots, usually 2-3 weeks apart until the pet is approximately four months of age. The vaccines that are given to kittens to protect them against the most common diseases are called “Core Vaccines.”
Since intestinal parasites can be a medical concern for both cats and their human family members, two deworming treatments given 3 weeks apart is included in our Kitten Plans.
Physical exams done when your cat is young is an important opportunity for your veterinarian to examine your young pet for possible underlying health issues, and to discuss nutrition, flea and tick control, as well as any other concerns you may have.
All core vaccines up to 16 weeks of age (including up to three FVRCP (rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and panleukopenia) vaccines, two FELV (feline leukemia virus) vaccines, and one rabies vaccine.
Call us today to speak with one of our staff members on how to get started.
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